Invented To Provide Intelligent IT Business Solutions, And Services
Revive Processess, And Convert Them In Turnkey Solutions.
Our Digital Approach Creates Symphony Across The Business.
Successful digital transformation
At COTSYS, we partner with customers to lead this transformation, enhancing business processes, engineering, operations, and performance, to maximize business value. Our comprehensive software portfolio provides everything you need to transform your industry and unlock real business value.
A digital transformation is measured by its outcomes. Do we now generate revenue from new sources and in new ways? Have we rethought our value model? Have we realigned our value chain and fundamentally changed how we produce value? Do we interact with and serve our customers differently?
A strong strategy is centrepiece, covering the directional components, such as vision, mission and objectives, as well as providing a road map how to get there, namely a realigned value, service, revenue and operating model. Strategy is, however, just the first step. Enterprises of all sorts do not necessarily fail because of their vision; they fail due to a lack of a clear and credible way to implement that vision – the infamous strategy-execution gap.
Whether you are a large corporation, a start-up or somewhere in between, you will find us to be a partner who knows the way and who has been there.
We help you:
- Enterprise Analysis, and baselining your strategic goals, mission and vision,
- Developing and baselining business capabilities,
- Develop Transformation Framework
- Joint development of Digital Transformation Roadmap
- Develop program, project and execute initiatives
- Establish PMO for managing projects
- Establish Service Management Model
From receiving benefits, accessing health and other transactional records, registering 3rd party vendors, companies, applying for licenses, to voting – digital technology can make these things instantly accessible, intuitive to navigate and less expensive to deliver. So, what will it take to make governments digital?
We believe that the public sector can mirror the ground-breaking customer experiences being delivered by the private sector today. Success depends on a changed perception as to what is achievable – and a precise understanding of how to get there through new technologies and modus operandi.
Ultimately, the future is about responsive citizen centric services governments offering seamless new interactions with citizens and businesses through innovative services – and there is no going back to the old ways of doing things as a bold new era of government is emerging.